Friday 8 January 2016

Audience feedback to film opening

After finishing and uploading my finished film opening product to my blog, I conducted some audience feedback to gauge responses about my finished product in the form of a questionnaire.

I asked a total of 5 questions from 10 different respondents and have summarized the results/responses below each question. Each respondent was asked of their own opinion and asked to be as honest as possible. Those asked were a wide range of both females and males with a wide variety of ages. The reason that I did not only question those in the audience I targeted was because I wanted to see if my product appealed to those who were not a part of my target audience. Some of my results were slightly lower (like a score of 7/10 on question 1) than the more common result which was from a female audience member over the 35 age bracket for the targeted audience. This shows how my targeted audience was quite accurate as those who were not targeted scored my product with a slightly lower score which was most likely as this product did not appeal to them.

1. In your opinion, how would you rate this product as a film opening to a film that is the genre of Thriller with 10= highest quality/best fitting to this genre and 0=lowest quality/ worst fitting to this genre?

Scores follow: 8/10, 9/10, 8/10, 8/10, 9/10, 10/10, 10/10, 7/10, 8/10, 10/10 with an average score of 8.7/10.

This shows a very positive audience response where respondents feel that this film opening is of high quality and fits the genre of Thriller very well.

2. In your opinion, how many media skills did you think this product showed of the people who created this product with 10= lots of skill/ highly skilled and 0= little skill/ poorly skilled?

Scores follow: 10/10, 10/10, 9/10, 10/10, 7/10, 8/10, 8/10, 9/10, 10/10, 8/10 with an average score of 8.9/10.

This shows a very positive audience response where respondents feel that this film opening shows high skill by the people who created it.

3. In your opinion, how likely are you to recommend this film opening to another person for them to watch with 10= highly likely and 0= not very likely?

Scores follow: 9/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 9/10, 10/10, 8/10, 10/10, 7/10, 7/10 with an an average score of 9/10.

This shows a very positive audience response where respondents feel that they are very likely to recommend this film opening to another person for them to watch.

4. In your opinion, what is the best film that is the genre of Thriller?

Responses follow: Sixth Sense, Fight Club, Psycho, Seven, Shutter Island, Psycho, Shawshank Redemption, Psycho, Fight Club The Silence of The Lambs.

This shows a common appreciation for the 1999 film 'Fight Club' and the 1960 film 'Psycho' which are both films that I researched in preparation for creating my film opening. I based my product around conventions used by these films which makes it more likely to appeal to my audience as they feel that films that I based my product off are the best films in the genre of Thriller.

5. Overall, how much improvement do you think this film opening requires to be classed as 'professionally made' with options of: none, little and lots?

Responses follow: little, little, little, little, none, none, little, little, none, little.

This shows a very positive audience response where most respondents feel that little improvements need to be made to make the film opening be classed as 'professionally made' with some respondents even claiming that no improvements need to be made for this classification.

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