Wednesday 21 October 2015

Characters and costumes in Thrillers

The different types of characters in Thrillers and the different types of costumes that each type of character will wear

The following 6 costumes worn by different characters separate them as unique to one another. These differences can be: profession, social class, behaviour, importance, intelligence and back story.

The Detective

This character will often be the protagonist of the film. They will often be out trying to stop the criminal or psycho and work with police officers to solve the crime even though they are often above police officers in terms of rank. Detectives will often dress in white shirts and ties and will also wear suspenders instead of a belt on their pants (which are often black and not very colorful). Their ties are also not overly colorful as they try to fit into their office and street work life that changes between sitting at a desk to then inspecting a crime scene.
The Psycho

This character will often be the antagonist of the film. They will often be a mass murderer who is going on a killing rampage with the intent of causing chaos. Psychos will often dress in standard, non-suspicious clothes and will try their best to blend in with the crowd. They will do this until they wish to emphasise something like wearing a white shirt to better show the blood splatters on that shirt.
Anton Chigurh in 2007's No Country For Old Men

John Doe in 1995's Seven

The Criminal

This character may also be the antagonist of the film. They will often be part of a robbery or single crime where they steal something or hurt someone for financial benefit. They will often dress with ski masks on and tight, dark clothing to allow themselves to move quickly, stay hidden and not get caught on anything with loose clothing when committing crimes like bank robberies.
Raoul in 2002's Panic Room

Neil McCauley in 1995's Heat
The Character with multiple personality disorder

This character is often the lead of the film and the main character in the story where most events occur around them. They often dress in suits where they are unaware of their other personality which is chaotic and often the complete opposite of their current personality. After they become aware of this other personality, they may change their clothing like in Shutter Island where Daniels believes that he is a Federal Marshall (where he wears a suit) and then changes to patient clothes and then learns that he is in fact a patient at the island.
Edward Daniels in 2010's Shutter Island
Edward Daniels' change to patient clothing.
Leonard in 2000's Memento 
The Narrator in 1999's Fight Club
The Police Officer

This character will often be the protagonist of the film or an important side character. They will often be highly devoted to their job and all wear their uniform with pride. They will often dress in blue or black shirts and pants, carry standard police kit (handgun, mace, handcuffs, radio etc) and wear a police badge on their uniform. This uniform acts as a symbol of safety for civilians and as the acting force against crime.
John Blake in 2012's The Dark Knight Rises
Brian Gamble (left) and Jim Street (right) in 2003's S.W.A.T

The love interest of a character with multiple personality disorder

This character will often be the side character and is often the one to reveal or help reveal the twist in the story about the main character's change in personality. They will often dress in very dark clothing that is often black which symbolises the dark side to their character as well as their potentially violent  or less social behaviour towards the main character.

Natalie in 2000's Memento

Marla Singer in 1999's Fight Club

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