Tuesday 13 October 2015

Survey for Thriller

Survey for Thriller

In preparation for my movie opening, I have created a survey at SurveyMonkey. The first questions I ask are for collecting information such as age and gender about the person who is answering. This can help show me which opinions are general for a demographic such as a certain age group. Then I asked question about preferred genre to gauge which genres people most like and then specifically about Thrillers to find out where to focus most of my attention in developing for my movie opening.

 This graph shows me that most of the people surveyed are between 0-20 years of age which could likely show me that most answers will favour more current and relevant films as that is what they are more likely to be aware of and like. I would expect longer viewing times and more recently developed genres like Thrillers to be the most popular as they have become most popular since the 1990s. There are also a substantial amount of people aged between 21-40 where the similar preferences may also be prominent.

This graph shows me that most of the people surveyed are male. From this information, I would expect more more action and violent genres like Horror and Thriller to be quite popular. However, there are also quite a few women as well but not as many so I would still expect a few movies like romance and comedies to be popular. Obviously, that is looking at the data in a sexist way and I do understand that woman may prefer violent actions movies just as much as men prefer romance movies but I was just looking at the data considering stereotypical gender traits before.

This graph shows me that most people surveyed are students which ties in with the age groups as most people were aged between 0-20 and so were more likely to be students.

This graph shows me that the two main genres that people prefer are Action and Thriller with Adventure and Horror coming in equal tied third most popular genre. This is highly beneficial for my film opening as I have chosen to for it to be the genre of Thriller and that is highly popular so I know that there is demand for that as a lot  of people prefer it as it is their favourite genre. My movie opening has many action elements as well which is also beneficial as that genre is also greatly popular among the people surveyed.

This graph shows me that most people spend over 2 to 3 hours a week watching films. Because I know that Thrillers are very popular, I can assume that a lot of the films that people are watching every week are of the genre of Thriller or are genres closely associated with that like Action and Horror films. This means that people are more likely to understand the messages created in my movie opening and enjoy it more as most people regularly watch these types of films.

This graph shows me that the most important element of a film is the story and events that happen in the plot. This is followed by characters then being the second most important element. This shows me that I should focus my opening on showing the development of the character and how his actions affect the story of the opening. I have only got focus on dialogue in the very start of the opening and not the rest of the opening. Dialogue is still important yet not the main element that I should focus on in this opening. The action and violence is also present in this opening but I am using it to link to the character instead of being just a separate element that has no effect on the characters or plot.

This graph shows me that most of the people surveyed felt that the main thing that they wanted from a film opening is to be intrigued. This requires some ambiguity and required inference from the audience which is something that I will ensure is implemented into my opening and that the current ideas that include ambiguity and better improved upon. This should entertain the audience in a way by them having to think harder during the opening which may imporve the viewing experience for most of the audience and make them enjoy it more. As people had already said that they feel that the story and characters are highly important, I think that I can be assured that they remain important even though they are not the main thing the audience expect to learn more about from a film opening but still see them as essential in general terms. Also, intrigue can also include learning more about characters and the story which may be why the option about being intrigued is most popular in this question.

This graph shows me that people do enjoy watching Thrillers very much which supports the results from question 4.

This graph shows me that most of the people surveyed recommended that the song that I gave the link to (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmoPrwIgoy8) should be included in the opening to a Thriller. This shows me that I should use that song in my opening as most of the people surveyed likely watch a lot of Thrillers and the music in those Thrillers and so know what to recommend.

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