Thursday 8 October 2015

Sound in thrillers

Sound in Thrillers

Thrillers normally contain unnatural and eerie music which is used to create suspense and keep the audience on edge about what could happen in the plot. There is also jumpy and dramatic sound effects and music played in many scenes which create short term shock and is often used during plot twists to emphasise the shock of it. 

Another sound effect which is very often used in Thrillers is high pitched sounds/orchestral screeching sounds. For example, this is used in the 1960 film ‘Psycho' where when Marion is stabbed in the shower. This adds suspense and Horror/Thriller feeling to the scene as the audience feels each stab as there is a screeching noise with each stabbing motion.

Diegetic sound is also used in Thrillers like Psycho in the shower scene where water can be heard which helps set the scene for the audience of the setting being a bathroom. It also creates suspense in the audience as they are aware that the water is masking the sounds that can be heard which makes Marion more vulnerable to an attack as she is not aware that it is approaching.

Non-diegetic sounds like voice overs are used in films like Fight Club and American Psycho. This help explain the plot and set up scenes to better explain what is happening to the audience as they may struggle to understand with the vagueness of the visuals. This also shows character's emotion and helps the audience realise why a characters acts the way they do and speaks with certain dialogue to other characters.

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