Wednesday 11 November 2015

Considering representing Disability in film opening

Considering representing Disability in film opening

After coming to the end of planning my film opening, I have considered using disability in my film opening as a means of showing the worsening state of the officer's mental ability. Before deciding to do this, I will choose to do some out of place and last minute research about how disability is represented in media. I have chosen to not use an extract from a piece of media that is the genre of Thriller as there are few examples that do not give a clear example of how disability is exactly represented. Instead, I would like to look at an extract from the TV show "Glee" and how disability is represented for the character of Artie who is bound to a wheelchair.

The link to this extract is:

The link to this analysis on Slideshare is:

After analysing this extract, I have come to the conclusion that I will not represent disability directly in my film opening. Some inference of mental disability could be taken from the officer’s decline in mental state. I have chosen to do this because I feel that disability like being wheelchair bound would make the profession of a officer working in the street seem unrealistic and would not fit into the actions of the character. I will however, consider representing disability in my A2 music video project after realising the strong connotations that can be made from including disability in a piece of media. 

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