Tuesday 10 November 2015

Music/sound for film opening

Music/sound for film opening

For music in my film opening, I am using the song "Great Day Today". I decided to use a remixed version of the song and edit the song down myself to cut out the opening to the song and some of the middle lyrics to shorten down the song.

Here is the link for the original remixed version of "Great Day Today": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmoPrwIgoy8

For the song used in the film opening, I will be using this edited version of the song:

The reason I chose to use this song is because of the cryptic lyrics that have strong metaphorical meaning which is common in Thrillers as films of that genre use vagueness and hidden meanings as a way of telling the story. The accompanying and matching use in this song helps to emphasise the genre of Thriller in this opening. The deep base of the singer in the lyrics also helps to show the officer's downfall in this opening by not using uplifting and positive sounding lyrics. The beat of the song and accompanying use of instruments also help to show the fast speed of this downfall that is not too fast but definitely allows time to show the sped of this character's development.
From a filming standpoint, each line of the lyrics allows for a single shot each which means that I will not be cutting between shots too often (with each shot during the song averaging around 2-3 seconds) but will cut enough to show the fast development of the character without me having to film a vast amount of shots.
I did not use the original version of the song and instead chose the remixed version because the original does not have any distinct elements of the genre of Thriller.
The reason that I have cut the song down from the original remixed version (2:54) down to a shorter version (1:19) is mainly because I would like to build the narrative before using this song with other scenes and so that would not be possible if using the original remixed song. I also did this because I felt that some of the lyrics failed to present the Thriller of genre so I kept the lyrics that did do this. I may cut this shorter version down again depending on the real length of the other scenes and how the fit together to create this penning. If I did cut the song down, I will most likely cut out the opening (or at least shorten it) as I feel that it is quite long and that I do not have the shots to fill the full 20 seconds. 

Below is proof that I emailed Domino Records requesting to use the remixed version of "Great Day Today"

During scene D,  only the music will be able to be heard. However, during the other scenes; there will be diegetic sound present.

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