Tuesday 24 November 2015

Filming report dated 24th November 2015

Below is the schedule that I used to film of 24th November 2015

Below is the raw footage acquired from filming.

I found that shot B5 was quite easy to achieve apart from finding an appropriate angle to shoot at and keeping the keys in the center of the frame. At first, I was concerned that the shot would be too long but found that it fit into the opening perfectly.

I found that shot B6 had issues with being able to see the reflection of the camera in the dial screen. I had to manoeuvre the camera to an angle that stopped this reflection from being visible. I also had to make a decision of to change the shot from a speedometer to the on screen lights as they not only provided better lighting, but also stood out more in the shot. I then had to choose which of the lights on the dashboard that I should use and which lights fitted into the frame best.


I found that shot B7 was not as possible as I planned. I found that setting up a camera at the back of the car caused an issue with lighting and that a darker shot was required. I ended up using the interior light of the car door that turned off when the door was shut. With the shot, I had problems with the light not turning off when I shut the door as I had not closed it properly and also framing issues. Finally, I was able to solve these problems by opening the door further which ensured that the light shut off and that I had time to re-position the camera.


I found that shot B8 did not match my envisioned shot as the radio did not have a dial to turn to increase the volume. I tried to create the illusion that I was turning a dial but found that this did not look realistic enough. I ended up choosing to just press on the volume buttons to get the shot. 

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